VIBEOLOGY is an intensive program that reprograms your brain to understand the world through a lens of Emotions while decolonizing your beliefs.

what is unique about VIBEOLOGY??

VIBEOLOGY teaches you to feel your feelings, not CONTROL your feelings.
VIBEOLOGY teaches both individual wellness and our responsibility to community/societal wellness.
VIBEOLOGY uses pictures, music, and stories to teach complicated ideas to a deeper part of our brains.
Interpreting everything through 14 symbols reveals patterns unseeable to those who don’t believe in Feelings and stories.
turning ideology into diagrams helps avoid the self-blaming/self-shaming “self-help” ideas that can get us stuck.
Kyley Diamond is a charming interesting well-dressed teacher/beautiful thinker/endless well of KNOWLEDGE.

Please email Kyley Diamond at with Gifts / Compliments / Questions / Opportunities / Investments / Travel Sponsorship / Requests to Collaborate / Volunteer to Workshop or Edit some of the infinity things brewing.

check out an example of how it works HERE and here: